SASL Authentication

SASL allows your producers and your consumers to authenticate to your Kafka cluster, which verifies their identity. It's also a secure way to enable your clients to endorse an identity. To provide SASL configuration, you can use the withSasl method, passing a Junges\Kafka\Config\Sasl instance as the argument:

$consumer = \Junges\Kafka\Facades\Kafka::consumer()
        password: 'password',
        username: 'username',
        mechanisms: 'authentication mechanism'

You can also set the security protocol used with sasl. It's optional and by default SASL_PLAINTEXT is used, but you can set it to SASL_SSL:

$consumer = \Junges\Kafka\Facades\Kafka::consumer()
        password: 'password',
        username: 'username',
        mechanisms: 'authentication mechanism',
        securityProtocol: 'SASL_SSL',

Hot tip!

When using the `withSasl` method, the securityProtocol set in this method takes priority over `withSecurityProtocol` method.

For using TLS authentication with Laravel Kafka you can configure your client using the following options:

$consumer = \Junges\Kafka\Facades\Kafka::consumer()
        '' => '/some/location/kafka.crt',
        'ssl.certificate.location' => '/some/location/client.crt',
        'ssl.key.location' => '/some/location/client.key',
        'ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm' => 'none'
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