Installation and Setup

You can install this package using composer:

composer require mateusjunges/laravel-kafka

You need to publish the configuration file using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-kafka-config

This is the default content of the configuration file:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

return [
     | Your kafka brokers url.
    'brokers' => env('KAFKA_BROKERS', 'localhost:9092'),

     | Kafka consumers belonging to the same consumer group share a group id.
     | The consumers in a group then divides the topic partitions as fairly amongst themselves as possible by
     | establishing that each partition is only consumed by a single consumer from the group.
     | This config defines the consumer group id you want to use for your project.
    'consumer_group_id' => env('KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID', 'group'),

    'consumer_timeout_ms' => env("KAFKA_CONSUMER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT", 2000),

     | After the consumer receives its assignment from the coordinator,
     | it must determine the initial position for each assigned partition.
     | When the group is first created, before any messages have been consumed, the position is set according to a configurable
     | offset reset policy (auto.offset.reset). Typically, consumption starts either at the earliest offset or the latest offset.
     | You can choose between "latest", "earliest" or "none".
    'offset_reset' => env('KAFKA_OFFSET_RESET', 'latest'),

     | If you set (which is the default), then the consumer will automatically commit offsets periodically at the
     | interval set by
    'auto_commit' => env('KAFKA_AUTO_COMMIT', true),

    'sleep_on_error' => env('KAFKA_ERROR_SLEEP', 5),

    'partition' => env('KAFKA_PARTITION', 0),

     | Kafka supports 4 compression codecs: none , gzip , lz4 and snappy
    'compression' => env('KAFKA_COMPRESSION_TYPE', 'snappy'),

     | Choose if debug is enabled or not.
    'debug' => env('KAFKA_DEBUG', false),

     | Repository for batching messages together
     | Implement BatchRepositoryInterface to save batches in different storage
    'batch_repository' => env('KAFKA_BATCH_REPOSITORY', \Junges\Kafka\BatchRepositories\InMemoryBatchRepository::class),

     | The sleep time in milliseconds that will be used when retrying flush
    'flush_retry_sleep_in_ms' => 100,

     | The cache driver that will be used
    'cache_driver' => env('KAFKA_CACHE_DRIVER', env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file')),
